The Music Ritual, an Artist Talk with Jodi Beder
February 7, 1:00 – 2:30 PM on Zoom
(Scroll down for Zoom information)Please join the Portico Gallery for an artist talk with our friend and colleague Jodi Beder. We are honored to have Jodi as part of our “All Artists Talk Series” sponsored by Studio 3807 Contemporary Apartments in Brentwood MD.”When I started playing on the porch last March, I had no idea of anything except that I needed to do it every day, at the same time. Playing on the porch regularly, without question, however exhausted or confused or angry, has made this year one large performance piece embracing our street and garden, friends and neighbors, my parents, a crazy procession of composers and performers of the past, celebrating what melody, harmony, and rhythm are, and what they do.Music is itself ritual, serving as inner meditation and communal experience, all beyond words. Especially for the performer, it is muscle and neuron and breath and blood. For a cellist, also wood, metal, and hair, vibrating volumes of space. In performing for an audience, we are constantly dealing with ego and desire, anxiety and love. All the more to talk about in this year’s regime of pandemic and politics.”Jodi Beder
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